Mosaic Portraits
Creating tile mosaic portraits is challenging to say the least. I spend a considerable about of time in advance of working studying the face. Then I begin to work, using an ancient tool, the Hammer and Hardy, to cut small glass tiles or tesserrae called smalti or smalto. The tiles are glass and special because they have color through out the entire piece. A ceramic or porcelain tile only has the glaze or color on one side. Mosaic portraits made of smalti tile are not grouted as you may be aware of traditional mosaic. The lack of grout allows light to travel between the tiles and to shine through the glass creating a wonderful luminosity.
I work primarily with Orsoni smalti tiles manufactured at a foundry in Venice, Italy. The Orsoni family have been making smalti tiles for mosaics since 1888 and they are the only foundry in the world producing tiles in the flesh tones. I have trained under the guidance of Lucio Orsoni in Venice and now have the distinguished honor of 'Master of Mosaico'.​
Commission portraits available upon request.
Tile Mosaic Portrait using Italian Smalti Tile 13 H x 10 W
Tile Mosaic Portrait using Italian Smalti Tile 11 H x 15 W
Tile Mosaic Portrait using Italian Smalti Tile 13 H x 9 W
Tile Mosaic Portrait using Italian and Mexican Smalti Tile 12 H x 12 W
Tile Mosaic Portrait using glass tile 12 H x 12 W
Tile Mosaic Portrait using glass tile 12 H x 12 W