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​'I am delighted with my purchase of 'Inauguration 4.’ I live in Virginia,
she is currently in a contemporary setting displaying her graceful lines
and elegant presence. Understated but definitely noticed!'
Lucy H.
​'On Sunday I had to go to a breakfast at the Tuckers Point Club.
To my surprise there were all of your gorgeous designs displayed all over
the lobby of the hotel. I must say that I was really impressed. They are
absolutely beautiful. The photos on the internet don’t really do
justice to the pieces until you actually see them in person. I am so
happy that I finally got to see them because I would have never
known what they were really like. I loved all of them but there were a
couple there that are my favorites.
I hope that more places purchase and display your art because they are
definitely uplifting. I wish you much success. Keep up the great work!'
Joan S., Bermuda

'I was the Senior Designer for Syracuse China when they closed.
It makes me so happy to see you using the china in this creative way.
Very cool!'
Shelley M.

'Just a note to say how proud I am to be your friend. Your work is
beautiful and the piece you did to honor those being treated
for breast cancer is amazing.'
Marnie C., San Francisco, CA

'I absolutely love mine!'
Shelley M., Virginia

'I think it (Pretty in Pink) is perfect for the Joan Katz
Breast Center and will be appreciated by our staff and patients.'
Terry Sexton, All Saints Health Foundation
Baylor All Saints Medical Center , Ft. Worth, TX

'Thanks so much for your talent. Everyone who sees my piece
is so impressed. I've told the story so many times I feel like
putting a recording in the statue of how I found you and how
we decided on what to do with my Mom's china.'
Donna M., Virginia

'I just love how "ballet" turned out. She looks beautiful.
The buttons on the back are such a nice touch and Maya and
I love the way you treated the belt and the next row of black.
Monica J., Oklahoma

​'I just love your art. So beautiful.'
Andree T., Bermuda
'Goldye has arrived. I'm am very pleased the way she turned out.
Thank you so much for working with us.'
Barbara S., Florida

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