In The News
April, 2007 Dr. Charles Zuill, Royal Gazette Art Reviewer, Bermuda
‘Shelly Hamill’s sculptural depictions of women’s dresses are, it seems, a play on the concept of fabric; a material that is notably pliant, but in her sculptures, it comes across as both rigid, as well as pliant. On the one hand, the dresses seem to fold, flutter and swirl, as is characteristic of fabric, but on the other, they appear solid, heavy and rigid.’

My Sculptures in:
Huffington Post Weddings, January 2015 Blog, January 2015
Santa Barbara Seasons Magazine Blog, October 2013
Noozhawk- Santa Barbara, September 2013
Ft. Worth Magazine, September 2013
Philly Chit Chat Blog, April 2013
Ft. Worth Magazine, April 2013
​​Amanda Temple Photography Blog (2), March 2013
Timbers Resort Blog, August 2012
Couture Colorado Blog (2), July 2012
​​​​​​The Bermudian Magazine​, April 2012
Couture Colorado Blog (1), January 2012
​Design Collections by Funchkins, January 2012
​Crush Party Blog​, August 2011
Amanda Temple Photography Blog (1), July 2010
Casart Coverings Blog, May 2010

Wall Street Journal on Rosewood Tucker's Point
showing my sculptures in the lobby
​'All Dressed Up and Headed to Tucker's Town'
Mosaic dresses on display at hotel boutique
Bermuda Sun, June 11, 2010 by Sarah Lagan Writer/Sub-editor